Try Again

Mar 20, 2019

As soon as this past Sunday hit (the Sunday before Thanksgiving) and my obligations minimized, it set in how tired I was.

So, the first important realization, that I’ve made before, but keep having to make, is that even if you love what you do, it can still be really draining. 

For a second, I started blaming myself - I know where my thresholds are, why did I ignore them? 

But here's the thing I am beginning to really respect: the cycle of learning about ourselves. We learn, we adjust, we forget, and we try again. And the only hope is that it is quicker when we try again - easier when we try again - more familiar when we try again. There's no space for guilt. Only for trying again.

Take a few hours off. A day. Two days. Whatever you need to recharge. Be mindful about deciding the time you’re going to enjoy with friends and family - and not feel guilty - and what time you’re going to try to get some practicing or studying done. Don’t spend the time you could be enjoying feeling guilty about what you’re not doing. That will be much easier if you’ve told yourself when you will "do stuff."

I am thankful for a lot of things, but this one is really hitting home at the moment: I am thankful for all of the opportunities I have to try again. 


Different Not Bad


A Mind Like Water